When pondering the question “What is a blog?” one can come up with a variety of answers https://sitessurf.com/. Personally I believe that there are three different perspectives to be considered when answering that question. I believe the answer has to be considered from the technical perspective, from the societal perspective, and from the personal perspective.
The answer to the question of what a blog is is obviously going to be different depending on what perspective you’re approaching the question from. Today we will look at each of the three.
What is a blog from the technical perspective? Technically a blog is simply a webpage. It was designed by software developers to use as a journaling type of software. Software people need to keep notes and share the information with each other and the origins of the blog were based on the decision to share that information via the Internet. Traditional webpages require a lot of overhead and coding to make even minor changes so developers came up with what they called a web log that basically took a template for all the standard web information and only require that you update the content. So technically a blog is just a webpage.